Say Hello to Delicious!
When Hello Delicious! Brands wanted to boost sales of its venerable Pizza Crust Chips, they turned to us. First, we developed primary consumer research to determine if the current packaging and positioning were sizzling. They were not. Consumers felt the brand looked too much like a value, and lost sight of the packaging when it was displayed among a competitive set—not good for driving sales. So, we drilled down on consumer insights to get to the heart of selling—and buying—propositions. Then, we rolled up our sleeves and reimagined the brand, focusing on the attributes that people craved, while amping up designs to call out the wholly unique why-to-buy. We recast color palettes for greater shelf visibility and pop…and renamed products to more closely align with consumer expectations. We also invigorated the visual appeal and drew connections to intended uses of the product by placing the pizza chips in snacking context. In essence, we made them irresistible. And that’s something Hello Delicious! craved.

Pizza Chips In-Store Display, PDQ & "Knock Out Cases"